I bid ye farewell

Flayra seemed happy that even though things go bad over at Crimson Dreams, she still have a place to come back to. Well, Mabye just few visit wouldn't hurt, as long as Naniko knows where the girl is. Easy to tell, Svara was glad that the girl was going. Still jumping at spots where she thinks that the white female pup was going to annoy someone else. Svara still being a bitch. from a point of view, she was a young Firefly.

Flay nodded at Cercelees good will attitude. "Thank you, Cercelee." Flay thought that it was time to depart. She checked if she had everything ready. Bag, check. Rose-thorn Staff, check. Hairclip, check. Accessories, check. Yep, everything was ready and in order. "Well, I best be off. I thank you for your help. Cercelee, thanks letting me stay. Slay, thanks for your offer. Svara, well, I'll just say thanks." Yeah, she guessed that that was it to say. "Oh, could you also give my thanks to Haku aswell?"


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