right by me
Nothing seemed right anymore, atleast, not by her. She couldn't exactly abandon her whole family to search for the ones that had disappeared out from under their noses, but she couldn't just sit at home anymore. It wasn't like she knew what to do with herself anyways. Spending time with the children just brought back memories of the ones that had faded away, spending time with her mate just reminded her of the guilt she alone played in their disappearance. There were a million other things that hung un the balance, but she dismissed them all one by one. She knew there was no real reason for what she did but she hadn't figured out who to pick herself back up this last time.

She had come across the lands of Clouded Tears to where her mother had been lain to rest. There were other gravesites there but there was nothing she really had to say to them. There really was nothing she had to say to her mother either... she just wished she didn't feel so alone. Was it really possible to feel so alone when one was surrounded by those that loved and cared for them. She wasn't sure of the answer, but she couldn't see their faces through the fog if they were there.

Head bowed she sat in the silence... it had been too long since she'd last visited.

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