right by me
Just when Cerlecee had come into the lands, so had his grandchild. Haku had already gone off and made his little legacy, and Lisichka wasn't sure he really understood that he was a grandfather now. It was hard to accept. "She's gone....so is Haku's kid. It's hard to accept I have at least one grandchild out there, since I never met her." Was it a her? He couldn't remember. "Congradulations..." He said softly, a thin smile forming on his face. His eyes, that telltale Sadira blue, were twinkling in a slightly pleasant way. "Konane Aolani is my mate, if you knew her. Ty's here, so is my older daughter Melisande..." It was a better explanation of what he had shared only moments before.

It was not his place. He firmly, fully believed it was not his place to say something, but he had to. He wanted to. It was his emotions and his instincts, even if she'd walked out on their family, even if they all had walked out on their family. "Things will come around, I hope. I cant say they will; I'm still at odds with my son and one of my daughters because when their mother left it ripped us apart. But I have to hope for both my family and for yours, things will come around." He said softly, and took a few cautious steps towards her. How he wanted to just bury his face into her ivory pelt, to just touch her in that same carefree manner they'd done as children. Never full nuzzles, mostly just bumps into each other like pinballs as they ran around and played. Suddenly, a grin crossed his features. "You remember that time half of us ran into the lake and got all muddy, then tried to scare Mom? I..I still dont know if she really was scared, or just playing along for us. Maybe it was the bath's she'd have to give us later that scared her more!" See. Deep down, there was some happiness to be found in his memories. He just had to seek them.

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