Man your own jackhammer, Man your battle stations


Panting Leroy finally got to sit and get his breath, ears moved forward and relaxed as his pink eyes begun look at the land. No sooner he paused his panting when another coffee colored male appeared bout his size, narrowing his eyes Leroy didn’t moved ‘yet’ but watched as he stalked up. His black and white coat rose along his spine as his ears flattened quickly when he reached for the deer, his deer, Leroy spent to much time and energy to get the deer down-though excellent stamina and endurance was a genetic gift from his husky genes. Sharing with family was only tolerable but he wasn’t going to let somebody take his meal freely, ’no you don’t’. His large body bolted forward as his front limps and paws slammed onto the upper half of the deer, haunches raised as his words came out mix with a loud growl ripping from the husky’s throat.
“It’s mine!” Leroy’s tone wasn’t at all welcoming as his stared at the blue eyed male as his lips twitched, ready to let his fangs come out as his body tensed. A low growl rumbled from his chest as he stared, watched the new male that threatened to steal his food; though unknowing Leroy has trespassed but was to caught up with the hunt to even notice, and himself didn’t even smell of his own new pack lands yet..merely the scent of a loner.


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