Yearbook 2007 - Superlative Nominations

Yearbook 2007 - Superlative Nominations!
Your twenty categories are as follows!

___Most Dramatic

___Most Dependable

___Most Matured (character who's grown the most mentally)

___Most Spirited / Pack Pride

___Most Unique

___Most Heartbroken

___Most Unlikely Return

___Most Likely Return

___Most Unexpected Couple

___Cutest Couple


___Most Talkative

___Biggest Cynic



___Most Psychotic

___Most Emo

___Most Like to Have Been a Flower in a Past Life

___Most Likely to Push Pup Off a Cliff

___Most Likely to Jump Off Cliff


___1. Please don't nominate more than two characters per superlative.

___2. You can nominate the same character for multiple superlatives.

___3. You don't have to nominate someone for every superlative.

___4. You can nominate yourself.


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