the note from which a chord is built
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For Savina! Would you mind if we set this for the 19th? WC: 300+

The Marino boy had been in and out of the manor the past few days, busying himself with his new task. After taking such an interest in wood-working and realizing how much it could help out the pack to keep the mansion in working order, he found it necessary to create himself a little workspace. After taking a few trips to the city and back, Ehno had gathered himself quite the collection of tools, some in working order and others in need of repair. This collection had only cluttered is room upstairs, further prompting him to find another space for them.

With a bit of searching throughout the first floor of the mansion, Ehno had finally found the perfect space. He had chosen an old office room on the right wing of the mansion, not too far from the main living space. This morning was spent clearing out the old furniture from the office into the hallway and dragging his tools, both large and small, down from his room on the second floor. By now the room was barren of all furniture, save for the old desk he left in there to hold his smaller materials temporarily.

Now that it was mid-afternoon, Ehno felt that he could take on his next task. He began to put up a few shelves up on the empty walls. He started with a smaller one he had put together, lining it up as best he could before pulling out the hammer and a few nails from his silly (though very handy) tool belt. A steady ‘THUNK, THUNK, THUNK’ signaled the start of his projected. The noise of his hammer echoed in the nearly-empty room, magnifying itself as it travelled out into the hallway. With this much noise, he was glad that he had waited until the afternoon to start this particular project; he wouldn’t want to wake anyone up.

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