the note from which a chord is built
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Sorry, this is late and horrible.

Ehno was almost surprised to see how quickly his family was expanding for him now. When he first arrived here and was reunited with his sister, he discovered just how small his family had become while he was off seeing the world. His mother had died in a tragic accident, and Ghita and her mate both disappeared after her miscarriage. For a while it was simply Savina and himself. Then Kansas came along, joining their small family and connecting the Marinos to the large Sadira line. And now Savina was to be a mother herself . He smiled at his sister's words. "Sì, farà." She would always be watching this family grow. Ehno was glad that he was here to see it too.

Savina's attention then seemed to focus on their surroundings, emerald gaze wandering across the room, resting finally on Ehno and his silly tool belt. He saw the curiosity in her gaze as she questioned him. Rather than answer her right away, like he had originally intended, the Italian boy instead struck the pose the man on the tool belt package was perpetually stuck in; hands on his hips, head to the side as if gazing at some distant object. "Stupire, non è?" He couldn't remain serious for very long in such a silly pose, and before long a grin appeared on his features. He laughed, relaxing from his pose. "Si... ha cominciato fuori dall'hobby come appena un po'divertente, ma indovino ho preso un pezzetto avvolto su in esso." He smiled, looking around for a moment. "Penso il suo divertimento. Ed ehi, il migliore le mie abilità di carpenteria prende, il più posso aiutare il pacco."

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