the chance of a lifetime

Word Count: 450

The dying cow was calming down behind them, becoming limper and limper every second from blood loss and panic. He did not really like leaving the prey like that - the meat became harsh in both taste and consitency, but he wasn't entirely in a position to be picky. Besides, another bulk further away (and also Catherine had spoken of another taken down prey) promised great rewards for their efforts.

Catherine removed her hand and Dawali swiftly put his hands on it, lifting it up to his eyes to examine it. It was deep, it seemed, but no great stress had been caused to the muscle nor the sinew - which was a relief. He had guessed already, as Catherine would probably have reacted stronger had she been deeply hurt, and also she seemed able to move it o.k. Nothing was broken, and nothing was torn, though the blood was considerable. The skin had burst open in an uneven formation due to the sudden pressure put upon it by the hoof, and it would likely be heavily bruised around the wound as well, though it wasn't yet. With a finger he touched the skin next to the cut and tried to push it to the side, to see how easily it moved, and also how deep it really was. Finally satisfied with seeing that it was deep, but not dangerous, and clean from the bleeding (which was considerable), he reached for the pouch on his belt and opened it. One hand rummaged around its contents for a while, until found what he was looking for. A small item, herbs wrapped in a thin skin for protection, was then in his hand, and with the other he deftly undid the wrapping, grabbed a few leaves and crushed them to a fine powder on his palm. He continued to do so until he had a fine heap nearly half an inch high, when he then put the pouch and everything in it onto the ground and motioned for Catherine to stretch out her arm. This will sting, but please don't start. If she jerked her arm with the pain once he applied the semi-powdered herbs he would miss with most, if not all of it, and his storage was not as high as he liked it to be. His three main fingers grabbed some of the herbs, and he pushed the wound open, only slightly, with his smallest finger, and started sprinkling the crushed herbs into the bleeding wound. It did little, except stop the bleeding, but that was the only thing necessary at the moment. His yellow eyes looked only at the wound and his movements, thinking of nothing else.

Awesome sexy table and avatar by Kat! Big Grin

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