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For Jazper Big Grin Do you mind if this is set on the 23rd please?

pushitinThe day was warmer than the previous ones had been, the ground was still covered in a thick layer of snow, but the sun was hanging high in the sky today, throwing a warm glow across the snowy landscape. For once the animals were foraging in the lands again, digging through the snow in the hope of finding fresh plant shoots or nuts that had fallen from the trees in the previous season. The day was relatively peaceful, the morning had only just begun properly and so the small animals were still happy to roam about without too much fear of being hunted. Foolish animals.

pushitinSoran had risen early once again, waking long before the sun had risen again, this was becoming a very regular thing for the ebony lady, something that she wasn't really happy about getting used to. It had been the dreams again, Hollow and Rokus had been dancing through her mind, the small red pup cradled in the evil, grinning male's arms, he had laughed and laughed as he danced around her, throwing their pup in his arms over and over, constantly showing her what she had done, the life that she had ended. She had awoken again in a cold sweat, a horrid cold sweat, she had shivered and ached all over, she must have been thrashing in her sleep, the bedsheets had been flung all over the floor when she had awoken, though that was the last thing Soran was bothered about at that moment in time, she couldn't get the dancing image of the father of her pups and her youngest son out of her mind. And so she had risen quickly, jumping down from her bed with a gentle grace, she rubbed her arm as she made her way out of her room, it was still slightly sore from her encounter with Firefly, but it was fine, it just ached every now and again. The lady padded through the dark manor quickly, down the stairs and into the kicthen, she had decided that if she couldn't sleep then she would at least do something useful to keep her mind off of the memories of her pups, one that she hadn't been there for who was now living in a half-mad limbo state, one that she had ignored and had been lured into a life of cruelty by her father, one who seemed emotionally distant because of his mother's lack of affection when he was a pup, and one who she had killed without a second thought. She was a terrible mother. She did, however hope to be a better grandmother and a better packmate than she had been a mother, so far it seemed to be working, Soran intended to make up for all her wrong doings, even if she couldn't make them up to the wolves she had actually hurt, she would try and make them up to someone.
pushitinAnd so the ebony lady made her way through the kitchen, peering into cupboards and in the pantry, counting the food stores that the pack had, she rummaged through the cupboards and shelves, ordering things, putting the dried meats together and sorting out the fresh carcasses, moving them to the coldest part of the kitchen, hoping to keept hem fresher that way. From what the dark lady could count she thought they could use more stocks. The lady took a deep breath and her form rippled, her legs began to shorten and her mane began to receed back into her fur, blending in. Her spine began to shorten and her legs re-aligned themselves so that they could cope with a quadrapedal form, soon enough the lady was in her true wolf form, her black fur fluffed up around her. The ebony lady shook, the necklaces that she still wore jingling and clinking against one another as she did so. With that motion she pulled the back door open and padded out onto the back porch, bounding down the steps one by one, testing her foreleg, it seemed to be holding her weight nicely and she wasn't feeling pain from it. All around her the snow glittered in the morning sunlight, it was a sight that made the dark fae's heart warm, she loved the snow, especially hunting in it, after all the prey was so much easier to see when they were against a white background.
pushitinSoran bent low to the ground, painfully aware that her lithe black pelted form would be as easily visible to her prey as they were to her, and so she crept along, as close to the ground as she thought she could get, her jade eyes fixed upon a large rabbit that sat just metres away, it's furry back turned to her. Slowly she crept closer and closer, inching her way towards it, until finally she sprung, leaping forwards as quickly as she could, catching it's neck in her jaws and snapping it quickly. That was breakfast sorted, once she had finished that she would start on catching more supplies for the pack, she couldn't have her almost-family going hungry.

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