Build God, then we'll talk.

Anu wouldn’t have noticed the male among the trees, with ever sense she owned overtaken by the scene. It was only his voice was brought her back from the beyond. It was startling, familiar and foreign at the same moment. Anu watched as he stood, but didn’t advance towards her. She grew stiff, finding things in his appearance familiar as she had his voice. It was his missing forearm that held her gaze the longest, but she landed on his green eyes and kept her orbs locked to his. It took a moment before his words registered, and she understood what he said. I cant imagine it is. Her voice was soft as she took in the clearer air.

A step forward brought her further from it, though closer to him. All the suspicion he felt for her was returned and doubled. A one armed beast, lurking in the shadows made the hair on her neck stand on end. For a second she even though he might be a victim, but nothing about him screamed the tragedy that was held within the lighthouse. And she instinctively knew that no beast walked away from the carnage, no one but the killer.

What happened here? The sudden realization that he may be the beast that caused all this, or one of many, swept over her. Instead of fleeing she stood her ground, though if she had wanted to run she wasn’t sure her legs would have worked.


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