Build God, then we'll talk.

"No.." He shook his head just a bit. "I don't think so." But he couldn't exactly say so with certainty, he hadn't hung around the door long enough to try and see who exactly they were. The stench had been enough to do him in but the sight of dismembered body parts was enough to make his stomach quake and the area where his arm had once been pulse with pain. He could only hope that they were dead long before they had been dismembered. "It might help to keep an ear out for anyone who might know someone who is missing though. I haven't heard anything like that yet." But perhaps that was what the birds had been whispering about most recently.

"You.." He pointed off in the direction that she had come from, turning his eyes to glance there once before settling on her again. "running from something over there?" If that were the case, if perhaps she thought she had heard something or was being followed, might mean that whomever had done the things in the lighthouse was lingering, possibly even watching them as they stood there speaking. Whatever little bit of humanity that was building back up inside him told him not to just leave her there, that it might not be safe, no matter if consorting with Crimson Dreams members could bring him harm.


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