Round two

Outside his claimed cabin, Lysander lay against the closed door, brushing off dust and debris from his thick pelt every now and then. Spring was fighting to claim the skies and Ly rooted her on, enjoying the rising temperature and the increased sunlight. Ash colored fur and steel eyes seemed less dull in the rays that beat down, and Lysander, the vain creature he was, much preferred his appearance in the bright sunlight than when the sky was covered in thick rain clouds. Today was just such a day that the sunlight seemed to flatter his coloring, and combined with the light breeze that kept his pelt from falling too flat Lysander was quite sure their wasn’t a more handsome creature in the pack on this day. Of course, as biased as he was, the canine felt that dogs, huskies in particular, always looked better than wolves.

Sighing contentedly, the husky mutt enjoyed the twitches and spasms of his muscles, as they protested at being overworked. The male has spent the better part of the day ripping up floor boards of his empty cabin and digging out storage units underneath. To anyone else, the floor would look normal, just a plain wooden floor. However Lysander knew which boards lifted up, and what items lay under each floor board. He had made a trip to Halifax, the bar where he had met the male who served him drinks, and brought back with him a supply of booze, for his own personal use on night when he could find any better entertainment. In another part of the cabin the floor conceal all the trinkets and items he had brought with him in his sack. Still more floor board units were empty, waiting to be filled with the useless junk Lysander would bring home.

Still his home was devoid of any furniture, he slept on the bare floor. Sometimes shifted, sometimes not, and it made no difference to him. If he needed soft earth he would just lay outside his door, as he was now. With no particular reason to stay awake, Ly allowed himself to slip into a deep sleep.

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