Pfft, a few days isn't anything. Not like you took six weeks and three days to get here, right? Tongue (And feel better!)

She faintly smiled when Ryan chuckled, letting her eyes roam over the mother and daughter duo as her feet hit the last few steps. For a moment, she also met the watchful gaze of the little girl as a few more stray locks fell towards the floor, but even that was quickly abandoned for what had fallen away. “I've been… well, I guess you could say. Keeping busy. What about you?” And keeping busy was a loose term, not that it mattered all that much. Corona hadn't really been out of the mansion in what seemed like forever, though she did step out several times a day to check the borders. Gabriel had chosen her to lead with him and that was really the only obligation she had… aside from making sure that Jasper stayed out of trouble. Which he did, for the most part. Bending so her hands rested on her knees, Corona offered Ryan's daughter a warm smile. “What's your name?” She seemed bright—should've been bright, given at least half her heritage—and was full of the one thing Corona's life had been void of lately: life.

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