just like a candle

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!! out of character.


A laugh finally emitted from the female. Her irritation with the male seeming to blow away with her interest in him. Not an interest one had in a sexual way, but of a new companion who could prove to show a good time. "You can fucking check my nice ass when you gain one." She said with a nasty grin on her young face. He really did seem to have a way about him. Crossing her arms over her ample chest the she wolf finally mentioned her identity. "I'm Svara."

with her yellow eyes watching him she spoke again. "Dutch you'd be smart to not call me a playtoy, or next time I'll bite your nonexistant ass hard enough that you won't sit for weeks. Her voice was teasing, but the threat was there as she kept smiling. Where the wolf had come from was something she wasn't to sure of, and she was willing to bet every female he saw was sexy to him. Svara rolled her eyes and thanked the fates she had her own playtoy and he was really willing.


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