something i don't know

indent Sibling rivalry was nothing new. Gabriel and Baneesh had been very much like the two of them, and perhaps might have been with time. But fate is fickle and no mortal was able to avoid it. Baneesh had died, Gabriel had been lost to his family, and the world changed. These things were small, and did not matter to those whom they did not effect. Cause and effect were limited, in very real terms, to a small percentage.
indent Gabriel heard Arkham, but the words sounded very distant. Then he sensed, rather then saw, his younger half-brother come flying at him. Without considering who it was, or what he had to do, the large hybrid sidestepped, dropped his head, and came around for the attack. At first, he intended to go for the throat—it was an instinctual move—but upon realizing it was Andre, he instead shut his jaws and brought his heavy skull towards the throat. It would knock the wind out of the boy, and then, oh then, he would cut him down.


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