something i don't know

indent The scars were symbols, each of them, though to wear them with pride was another situation entirely. Gabriel was not proud of his; they were mistakes on his part, not some broad-range spectrum analysis of his past battles on display. The hybrid kept his head low, growling deep in his throat, a snarl locked on his face. Each step his feet took was trained, each motion was waiting, oh so patiently, for what he knew would come. Andre was exactly like those twisted sons in each of Kaena’s litters that carried bad blood. They were the black sheep. They would have made her proud.
indent His brother dashed forward, snapping at his face. Gabriel ducked, pushed forward and he felt the teeth close around his right ear, taking flesh and blood with it. Without loosing a beat, he spun his head and his teeth sought out his brother’s belly. If he had to kill him to end this, so be it.


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