the pirate princess
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Once again, his feet found the ground but, this time, he just tumbled once, and he breaked with his paws digging the earth until his boddy stopped. The white tuff of fur in the top of his head waved when he spun toward his annoying sister, not to attack, but to see her while she spoke. His face was a poker one, until she ran away. His evil grin appeared again.

It was a game. The kind of one he enjoyed to play, even more if he wins. It was almost a hobby, but his aim was usually the chicken of Claudius. It was just so fun to see his littermate running his awkward run, hearing his cry, his pleas to stop following him. Alwas so funny but, this time, he had to let it go. Oce's tone was that she was planning something evil. It was being an evil geniuses battle, and it always led to nowhere. Avtually, it was a waist of time, that he could be spending bothering Claudius.

No, it could wait until he could find the plushie all alone. It would take plenty of time, as Noir was with it 50% of the time, and the other 50% was with Oce. The horrible truth. He sighed, the smile still in his face, and just sat on the rock his sister once was. So high. That's why she was feeling so... superior. The pale boy just sat there, like one of those proud statues.


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