island alone
(yeah, we can end this here)

DaVinci didn't really want to get into it with Naniko about their mother with Pendzez present but it had already started and before he could even answer her Pendzez gave her a response. DaVinci growled at the packmate a second before he turned his eyes back to Naniko, a helpless look in those orbs as he shook his head. He really didn't need the white male to hear the words he was about to say but it didn't seem like he was going to leave anytime soon. He sighed softly and admitted the truth. "I.. got into an argument with her about Zana. I told her.. she was a worthless mother. She was jut going to let Zana stay in Inferni. She didn't belong there.." He shook his head as he covered his face with his hands. He didn't want to continue this conversation at all.

His shoulders sagged as he dropped his hands, gazing down at the ground a moment before he asked to be excused. "I'm sorry Naniko, I can't do this now.." He didn't even have the heart to look at her as he spoke before he just turned away from the two of them and stumbled across the sands. He needed to get away, he needed to escape. He needed a release that wouldn't remind him of all the wrongs he'd done. The tears started to prick at his eyes as he picked up his pace, the faster he was out of their sight the faster he could began to find a way to forget about the pain.

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