http://i43.tinypic.com/2jds8c3.jpg); background-position: center bottom; background-repeat: no-repeat; width: 499px; background-color: #000;">
     It ain't rape if she likes it.
Like a cancer scare In the dentist's chair
The noise he gave made her laugh, her tinkling, relaxed laugh because he was feeling it, and they were connected now, by thousands of tiny atoms in the air, linking them. He was moving for her, now, closer, and she liked this, liked that he was accepting her words. A smirk adorned her pretty face even as her unfocused eyes struggled to pick out one detail on the husky's. A shiver ran down her spine as she spoke, and she leaned even closer, even before he drew her to him, so that their noses brushed and she stared into his red, red eyes (a flash of something- little red furred girl, but it was gone). 'Oh, and that's the fun part,' Sabeen breathed, drawing her lips back into a grin. 'It's all yours, but you have to take it.' She knew the direction they were heading in, and she didn't care, pulling her hands from his arm to wrap them around his shoulders and laugh again, because it was all so funny and sensuous and he would have her if he wanted her, she was ready.


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