[If I Can Get Through This//

Asariels teal eyes widened momentarily with surprise as she mentioned eating cats. Asariel wasn't sure what to think about that. Sure there was the whole dogs vs. cats thing, but she didn't see that as a reason to eat the things. "Um, well...I've never eaten a cat before," she said, then added, "I've never liked cats. Silly creatures." Still, she'd never thought about eating one. She wondered what a cat must taste like...then she blanched away from the idea. She liked rabbit, personally. Tender and stringy, it was to die for. She brought herself out of her mindless musings and looked at the pup.

She wondered what had happened to the baby's parents. Were they dead? Did they abandon her? She refrained from voicing her curiosity. Not many enjoyed talking about their families, it seemed...


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