I want to fit into some shoes
AW, but would prefer a relative, if possible. 500+

The tiny girl had seen Ocèane’s attempt to make her own den, and had finally decided to copy her sister. Toefur and Noir was going to move out soon too. It was just a bit soon yet. Noir had started to dig her own hole in the ground, but the hard soil was so hard and frozen, so she ended up with aching paws. The little girl was sad because she obviously failed, but her defeat did not last for very long. Attila and Claudius had been at it again, and so it was messier in the den than it usually was. As the nice and obedient daughter she was, she decided to surprise her mother by cleaning up the den. Tayui and the rest of her siblings were not there, and so the little girl was all by herself. The girl started to drag the furs out of the den, but to do so alone was very hard for her. Her tiny muscles were not strong enough to drag heavy furs that weighted more than her. She managed to escort two small rabbit skins out of the den together with Toefur (he was to sit on top of the skins to make sure no one was mean and stole them), but that was it, really. She was somewhat upset, because it seemed she was too small to be able to do anything properly. Together with Claudius, it seemed she was one of the smallest of the litter. It was almost a bit ironic. Claudius had Attila tormenting him, and lately Ocèane had become rather mean as well. Toefur was not safe when her paler sister was around.

The pale brown Aston girl panted while she jumped in and out of the den, dragging everything that was not too big and heavy for her out of the den. Some things she did not even know the purpose of, because they belonged to her mommy. The puppy was not happy when she moved on her mother’s things, because she was unsure if Tayui would approve of it. It was only so that Noir could clean it up and make everyone happy. The girl’s thoughts of right and wrong quickly faded away when the minutes went past and she devoted herself fully into her ‘cleaning’. It was just the larger things that she just couldn’t seem to be able to move. Ears flattened slightly in displeasure. Noir had not imagined this task could be so hard. In her plan, there had been no obstacles that could hinder her from completing this task before her mother came home, but reality was not treating her very nicely. The blue eyed child sighed heavily and went outside to sit next to the pink octopus plushie. ”Toefur I has to havf help..” This defeat was stronger than the failed den of hers. She just seemed to be worthless. Feeling worthless was one of the worst feelings in the world. She wished she was stronger, like Attila. Faster and more clever, like Ocèane. Educated and better talker, like Claudius. But no, she was only Noir, and she was too small to clean the den.


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