I want to fit into some shoes

http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c13/vazzi/bottom.png); background-position:bottom; background-repeat:no-repeat;">
Biggy W.C.: 442

Attila was impressed by his sister's energy. He felt something moving around his tail. Trying to see without letting go of the fur, he saw a tan blur, but nothing more, because of the unfocused point of view. He rolled his eyes and pulled the fur again. He was going to ask her to stop, but she suddenly was under his belly. 'Jeez!' he thought, enraged. It was starting to irritate him, and his rarely long moment of kindness and patience was finally stopping. He frowned, and his goodness was turning to anger. 'Can't she stand still for few seconds?! he thought. It was bugging him already, and it got worse as she started to jump around, half screaming, half laughing.

The pale boy was having a hard time trying to keep calm, to finish with the furs as fast as he could so he coud leave and she would let him be. A tiny, weak voice from the deep of his mind was telling him that she wasn't going to stay calm, even if they were done. That she would be annoying him because of his kindness. He shuddered with that thought. In a extreme case, he would literally run away. Or destroy Toefur to show her that he was not that good. The octopus plushie, which was still in the den entrance's side, smilling its stupid smile, was nearly provoking the Aston boy. He hated that toy, and always had, since Noir appeared with it. He growled lowly, for himself.

It had been tiring to put that furs all alone, but not that much. It was all in the right place, except by the pink octopus, that had not been touched during all the process. Exausted, he lyed in the entrance, his belly up. Sighing, he could still hear Noir jerking around. Another sigh, and then an evil smile. His good side was completely sultred by his mean, which he was not going to resist anymore. On his feet, he bited one of the plushie's soft tentacles, his head up, looking meanly at Noir. His front legs dropped on the ground, his bum up, his tail wagging from side to side swiftly. He barked mouthly to her, and then ran away from the entrance, keeping a space from the hole in the ground and the rest of the world. He was still on that playful position, waiting for his littermate to show up after her beloved toy. Though the tireness, there was his puppy side ordering him a game. I hunting game. his smiled widened like the Alice's cat's smile, his whole body trembling with excitement of a play.


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