how times have changed

OOC: Hello and welcome to the delay of utter fail

Brooklyn had returned to Halifax on her own. Her little trip with Jazper had been loads of fun and she'd found so many nice things, but really, she wanted time to explore the place at her own pace. If she'd asked anyone back home they would have come with her someone would have agreed, but then that took half the fun away. The whole point of growing up was to be more independent, something Brooklyn really wanted to try. So without so much as a peep she had snuck out of the house and crossed the lands, trying to look as if she had business somewhere.

It had been easier than expected. Soon the white pup was running through the city, the sound of her paws hitting the ground the only thing to break the monotony. She liked Halifax, it was always so quiet. Here she could think properly, mostly about being a prince and how she would go around and save princesses, but sometimes about how to hunt or be a better sister to her siblings. Haven she loved dearly, but sometimes arguing with Mati was so tiring she wished they could just get along. The sound of a low screech made her stop. There was someone else here? Walking slowly towards the noise, Brooklyn happened upon a park she and Jazper must have overlooked. There was someone else there too, a wolf on two legs. The white pup walked closer with no real regard to her own safety. She was a child, what harm could she do? Stepping into the playground, she stopped and silently stared at the female. If she wanted to be alone, Brooklyn would just leave, no questions asked. But maybe they could play together!


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