the doctor is in

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!! out of character.


He joined her in the rain. Even after he had said how much he hated it. Then again she hated the rain to. It got into her pelt and slide down her spine and made her fur stick to her skin. His words made her look down at him and a smile pulled on her maw. "You get dirty again." The rain became stronger pounding down on them both. She kept her head tilted back and enjoying the cooling feeling of the water sliding down her face. It was so easy to hate this and love it.

"Then after you've gotten dirty and pretend like we've done everything right. " Svara's strong yellow eyes looked at the male a deeper meaning in her words. "Because I sure as hell can't." Her husky voice was thick as she watched him the grin rising on the side of her face. She was liking this to much opening to much, but right now she didn't care. Maybe later she would regret it.


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