hallowed desires
The woman noticed the male next to her - Jefferson, if she had remembered correctly. The brute and Allegro had gotten into a small argument about scars, which had eventually turned into a fight. She wanted to start fresh with the brute, if that was ever possible. The cool night breeze batted against her coat, making the small strands of fur sway in the wind. Allegro's ear flicked, her tail thumping against the earth beneath her. Looking into Jefferson's eyes, Allegro felt small and unimportant compared to the Patriarch.

"Hello, Jefferson. Remember me?" The young woman replied, smilling. She chuckled lightly, thinking that the argument the two had gotten in was far from being forrgotten. She creeped out further away from the entrance to her den, standing closer to Jefferson. It felt odd to being have a 'conversation' with the male and not clawing each other's eyes out. It felt odd, somehow, since Allegro had assumed they never would speak again. But the both of them had only said seven words to each other. The woman certainly did not consider that a conversation.


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