hallowed desires
Allegro laughed wholeheartedly, her body vibrating lightly. She wanted to be friends with Jefferson, her pack leader, as he future could be determined by him. Besides, he seemed like a good person underneath his gruff exterior. Sort of. Allegro assumed that he was good, from far evil of course, but also far from happy go lucky and sweet. But if Jefferson was sweet and social and bubbly, then she wouldn't have the desire to get to know him better. He would be boring, unlike his mysterious self now. It had Allegro craving for more of the wolf's shady personality.

Ever since their first meeting, the two hadn't seen each other. They, or at least Allegro, had been tense and shaken from the argument and fight. She had wanted to stay as far from Jefferson as possible but only for a few days. Then she became interested in him, wondering about his history and his real personality. It had become so interesting that Allegro began searching for him. Obviously, her mission had suceeded at the most random time. Tilting her head, the woman wondered what was underneath that one green eye.

When Jefferson brought up her new mate, Allegro smiled. It was a smile of happiness, yet nervousness was in there too. She had not wanted her mateship and love to be public, but she assumed that it was out of her reach. Pendzez and Allegro were too much in love, she guessed, that it could not be kept private. It sounded strange, though. Too much of a fairy tale and so unlike real life. But it was true. It was a fairy tale, but it was Allegro's life. It was a good life to say the least. "I don't know," she admitted, breaking the silence. "Off on his own, I pressume. Thought I'd hang around my den for a while." Pride lingered in her tone and a smug grin appeared on Allegro's face.


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