Wrap the story around your soul

His ears still laied flat on his skull as he watched the women. She didn't seem to be mad at him. When he had wondered from the pack that day he had meant to come back, he had been afraid. The feeling of them carving into him made mahlouk bow his head in shame. Mahlouk shook his head no and responded. "No Mahlouk loves his stories, just not the pain." His strange eyes looked down at boo as he said this. His tribe would have found this as a disgrace.

The mentioning of stories with paint and dye made his ears finally perk forward. He could still have the stories but with out the pain? The idea of it made his heart pound in his chest from excitement. "Stories with paint? Mahlouk won't have to bleed anymore?" His question was still in his deep lumbersom voice little to no emotion present on his face, but it was showing through his his words.

Finally she said what he had been waiting to hear. "Mahlouk and boo can stay!?" his tail almost wagged at that. "Mahlouk and Boo want to stay!" He said with just as much excitment as before. Grabbing boo gently from between his legs he held the bear gently by the scruff as if it was a mother and a pups relationship. "Mahlouk will tells stories! All his stories and this tribes stories!" Even with his great joy his face didn't show it, only his deep voice. He paused with boo in his mouth and looked down so not to meet the beautiful black females eyes. "Mahlouk doesn't know how to do anything else." He admitted with what seemed like shame. His last tribe would only let him be myth keeper not even able to attend pack hunts.


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