left its seeds while i was sleeping
http://img300.imageshack.us/img300/5443 ... 6b9oco.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
set after the svar thread.

Today her mood was stable for the most part. Sabeen had woken in silence with the sticky scent of blood in her nose and her chest scabbing over. After cleaning herself and attending to the fairly minor gashes (what's a few more scars, after all) she had sat for hours, trying to recall what had happened prior, what had led to her wounds. But nothing came to mind- it was as if yesterday had never existed for her at all. The lady shrugged a dress on, smoothing out the linen fabric. She ran her fingers through her hair and exited her cabin, strolling westward towards the vineyards. There amongst the vegetation she relaxed, strolling through the orchards towards one of the big wooden houses.


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