so long forgotten

God would eventually come and steal them away like a thief in the night. She had no fear of the maker should He exist, and according to Gabriel from some time ago, he more than likely existed to him. But she did not believe in the likes of religion, but she did put faith into the beings that made up her family. That bond could not be broken because it was made out of a material much more stronger than bone or steel. It was the very thing that held her together and tore her apart; which was something more and more apparent since she had gotten back. offers that rolled this way and that way. She was born to indecision, a dichotomy of the worlds. One would think that her allegiance to the fallen kingdom would label her a wolf, but Corona did not. She did not label herself one thing or another because she had been on both sides of the line before. Born with the coyotes, raised by the wolves, and had even previously run with the coyotes again. She did not wear a symbol other than the one printed out on her skin, which made her like her father. Corona had a startling resemblance to Ahren, as had Molochai. They had been so close in appearance that they could have been twins at an early age.

But time had slowly wiped a lot of that away. The last time she had seen Molochai, he had looked more coyote than she did. In essence, they were probably the dichotomies of their parents. The older she had gotten, the more pronounced the agouti-taint had become on her skin, despite her ever always thin coyote frame. Maybe it was Gabriel who had gotten the short hand of it all; he didn't really look like either parent from a distance. He may have had Kaena's eyes, but it was the doggish markings that set him apart from the group. Kerberos had looked like a wolf too, she remembered well. He had been brought up by the one figure who Kaena had always told them to stray away from; that same figure who had raped Misery, as she had learned much later on. Time changed them all, and that was never so much more apparent than when she had been reeled back to reality to see Misery's dark-figure standing in front of her. Only it wasn't dark any more, but aged much more than from when Corona had last seen her. The concrete expression on her face softened immediately. “Misery, what are you doing here?”

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