a failed attempt to capsulize a feeling.

Sorry for the WAIT.

He had concentrated so hard on appearing to look cool, calm and collected that it was almost impossible to tell that the massive male had paced back and forth in front of his home for at least half an hour. During that time he'd had to talk himself into following through with his plan. Elliot had given up several times, ready to forfeit his carefully selected flowers to the bushes around his tree. But each time he readied himself to toss the pretty things away, he had been able to gather enough resolve to continue on. And so now he was on his way, after relighting the many candles that had blown out during his time of uncertainty. More would most likely be out by the time he returned – either alone or with the object of his affection, so he could only hope for Kol's acceptance to be delivered quickly. Because of course she'd accept, right? No one could turn down a free meal...even though she was perfectly capable of catching her own meal. He could dream though, couldn't he?

Kol's wish to pass by without being noticed was hopeless from the get go. Since he first laid eyes on her, it seemed as if Eli's entire existence revolved around the raven-kissed female. He was completely attuned with her every movement, he'd never been so aware of another's presence like he was now. So the moment she came within feet of him, he was instantly aware, turning swiftly to greet his beloved with a smile. He'd never been so nervous in his life before, but still the male pushed on, an awkward grin plastered across his face, flowers thrust forward in a hopeful manner. These are for you. I picked only the prettiest. He would have continued on, stating that he had only picked the prettiest because she deserved nothing less, but the male quickly became tongue-tied, incapable of doling out anymore compliments, just a breathless greeting. Er, hi Kol. It's nice to see you again. He continued to show her his most eager smile, ears shot forward with enthusiasm, waiting desperately for some kind of reply. If she took the flowers then he'd ask her to dinner. If she refused them, he'd wait for the earliest exit opportunity and bow out as gracefully as he could. He could only pray that that wouldn't happen.


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