In search of a den.
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The woad marked fae turned slowly to listen to the male’s words. It seemed as if he did have something specific in mind. And as he spoke, the black fae came to understand his domestic needs as well as his interests. And so the female listened quietly but carefully, politely waiting for him to finish. The introverted female enjoyed listening more than she enjoyed speaking, and so this digression of the male did not bother her. To the contrary, the female welcomed it. She welcomed the insight into the other’s character, and she was intent on becoming familiar with this new member of Dahlia de Mai in addition to the other members already of the pack. She admitted that she did not know some of them as well as she should, and that it should be made a point to change this ignorance, if only because she was Adonis now and would need to understand the members of the pack she was going to help lead. And so, when she became familiar with a small part of the male’s life, the female was at ease, content.

"Do not apologize for the quality of your character," the female countered with a smile. Cwmfen wanted the male to be comfortable with himself when about her. She paused then, considering his request. "Perhaps we should travel south then—to Berwick." Berwick, the female had noticed, was an area similar to Wolfville in that there were building, but the buildings there seemed to hold a different purpose. The woad warrior was uncertain as to many of human constructs and their uses, but she was able to discern that the buildings of Berwick were for living more than those of Wolfville. "There is also a forest boarding the south of Berwick," the female added with a smile. She herself had made her abode within the woods there, a bit to the east of the pool of Oberon’s Spring. "It may be a bit of a walk from here," the female explained, "But it will be better for you to acquaint yourself with the lands."

Turning, the female pushed herself into motion once more. This time, it was easier, for her muscles were warmed from her previous movement. With the silent step of a warrior and the fluidity of the shadows, the black she-wolf navigated through the winding paths of Wolfville. The white orbs regarded the heavens for a brief moment as the Raven called. "If you enjoy making instruments," the alto melody rose in the silence, "Perhaps you should seek out our Musician, Mew." Rath’s use of the word ‘guitar’ had made the Adonis remember her musically talented friend, and she thought of he white female as her alto melody faded in the silence. Once Cwmfen had taken them a considerable distance, she asked the male again, and her curiosity was genuine as the woad bound ears pricked forward. "What other things can you make?"


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