In search of a den.
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“And Slay is a good hunter,” the female agreed. “When I first came to Dahlia, I was ignorant of the ways of pack life.... He taught me how to hunt with another.” The warrior smiled warmly as she shared a small illuminating moment in her life. And there were many such moments for those who were open to learn, for those who would leave behind pride and arrogance and adopt humility and courtesy. She thought of Lubomir’s offer to teach her how to read, and the female wondered if she should. But there was really no reason for the warrior to take up such a practice, having concentrated the entirety of her focus upon the martial arts. Yet, she wondered if there was something more to being able to read and write. And then she wondered if the ruddy hued male, Rath, could read. There seemed to be an equal number of creatures who could and could not. And there were so many languages, it made the warrior wonder if such a thing were worth while.

As Rath described his homeland, the female tried to picture it. From his description, the land of mountains and forests did not seem so foreign to this land in which she lived. She wondered what the trees said there, what the wind sounded like. When the black fae had been abroad in the lands, she had heard the many songs of the wind and the trees, of the water and even of fire. But every song was different, and their allure to her was different. She had found none more beautiful than that of her own homeland, but the songs of ‘Souls had come near to such beauty. That was what bid her stay. And now loyalty bound her too. “It must have been beautiful,” the alto melody murmured as Rath told her of the flowers. It must have smelled wonderful as well. And then the female, who loved winter most of all, was eager for the spring seasons. She wanted to know the songs of spring in Dahlia de Mai. “Those details were wonderful—thank you for sharing them with me.” And the warrior smiled.

“I’m glad that you are comfortable in these lands.” And Dahlia had many and unique terrains that were accommodating to the many tastes and needs of the members. As Rath walked ahead, the female followed. She would at least see him to his new home before she departed. It would be the least she could do. And it was not long before the cool scent of the forest was dancing upon the air about them, alive with the many organisms that inhabited the land. The forest was lush with the lives of the trees and plants, deer and hares. “Living near the forest will be beneficial in more ways than that,” the female replied.

“What co-rank would you be interested in taking when the time comes,” the female asked suddenly. There were many things that the male seemed to be skilled in, all of which would be helpful to the pack.


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