miracles will happen as we dream;
[Why not here? Smile Had a great time doing this - let's have another sometime!]

Geneva shrugged, smiled ruefully as the cream colored male expressed his sympathy, or empathy. For a moment, she didn't reallty know how to interpret his tone. She wasn't one to bare herself to others. She hated to make herself vulnerable. But Honore seemed safe, a soul that echoed her own. She normally watched the reactions of others with the focus o a hawk, but there was something about this male that caught her off-guardc, and eased the walls she held tight around her heart. She hadn't divulged anything concrete or too personal, but she felt as though she had anyway.

Geneva ran her fingers over the grain of wood on the table. It was somewhat rough and uneven in places, deceptive as the tabletop looked smooth otherwise. She looked down at the wood grain and pondered its pattern, more uniform than the canopy of stars above them both. Sighing, she rolled her shoulders, as if to dispell stress. She then returned her lime colored gaze to the cream colored male.

The smile she wore this time was genuine. She was glad to have met him, and felt lucky to have another kindred spirit in the pack. It was easy to relate to this poetic soul, and she felt relieved. While she valued the differences in others, she found that having a friend of similar temperament and interests was quite a treasure. "It is getting late," she said, looking back at the stars. She rose from her seat and curled her fingers into looose fists, gathering warmth into her hands. "I'm glad I met you, monsieur," she said, her tongue slipping clumsily over the word. "I hope to see you again soon."

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