Se kem som nå går i di gata

     For all of the terrible things that Gabriel knew Haku capable of, he was most certainly aware of his leash. That was why they were facing each other now, speaking in such tones. That was why he had not come alone or come to Inferni without hesitation or regard for their borders or proper protocol. The corners of Gabriel’s mouth pulled back, a grimace that might have been a smile were the situation not so dire. “Drop your pretense,” the hybrid demurred. “You would do me no such favor. Nor do you have the authority to threaten war.” Cercelee had made that point remarkably clear upon their last meeting. His eyes remained focused; clear and silently challenging. The need and desire to destroy the demon before him was almost unbearable. “Since he did not kill, I expect the same should you find him outside of Inferni territory.”


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