fear will kill you if you don't control it

In the short time that Jasper had taken up residence in Inferni he had come to learn that not many of the coyotes, at least the ones that he felt he should fear (didn't he fear all of them?), didn't much come around the mansion. Corona was the only one that he saw around much aside from slight glances of others as they passed through, for which Jasper hid himself away in his basement sanctuary, waiting for them to pass. He was growing bolder by each day that passed, traveling the house and sometimes even the lands immediately surrounding it, but he never went very far, always making sure there was a clear path between himself and the front or back door. He still wasn't sure if any of them were aware that a wolf had taken up a place in their home.

He'd been on the porch since early that morning, joined by a frail and halfway broken book, which he sat on the stairs of the porch reading. It had been a quiet day for the most part, having not seen or heard a sign of anyone else. He could only suspect that Corona was out for the day and that no one else had much interest in the mansion. He wasn't much for going out and doing things, at least not since Laurent had disappeared. Flipping past another page in the book, Jasper was blissfully unaware of the not-so-much-a-stranger that was lurking near.

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