fear will kill you if you don't control it
http://img55.imageshack.us/img55/9070/jazper1.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Jasper knew that Gabriel's words were true, that the wrong person could find him at any moment and end his life just as swiftly as he had been given it. He could say that he would fight back, but everyone knew that it wasn't true and what the outcome would be. He could have said that he would simply run away but even that was never a guarantee of survival. Instead, Jasper shrugged his shoulders, defeated. "Then I guess I didn't hide good enough." And it was a simple as that, something that Jasper had come to accept in the short time he had lived in Inferni. It wasn't something to be shoved on anyone's shoulders if he died. Jasper chose to stay despite the danger, just to hold onto the littlest bit of family that he had left.

"I don't have anything else." They were quiet words, simple, and Jasper didn't doubt that his half-brother would understand what they meant. Why did he stay and risk his life? Because anything and everything that he had left was in a place that he never would have imagined himself.


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