fear will kill you if you don't control it

     There was no clear body reaction in the doggish male. His posture remained relaxed, unmoving except for his ears, which swiveled to the source of the noise behind him. Despite the words he heard, he did not completely understand what was being told. Something terrible had happened with Jasper’s parents; something he was directly responsible for. It did not startle Gabriel to hear his father had struck one of his children. Ahren had always been unpredictable—it was something he had come to see over the years, despite the fact the two had never been very close. They were too much alike. Had they come together, they might have destroyed one another.

     What Jasper told him explained everything, though it made little sense. However, Gabriel likened this to his relationship with his mother. He had owed her nothing, and given her everything. He had come back out of his warped loyalty to her. The Aquila kept his eyes ahead, unaware that they had turned remarkably hollow. “Everyone leaves eventually. Some come back. Most don’t.”


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