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How in the world she'd stayed gone from Inferni this long was beyond her. She'd been able to get something to eat from the funny colored male from Phoenix Valley and a weapon he said would soon enough aide her in her war on the seagulls. She was so excited to try out the new craft but she knew that she was still too small to handle it like Lysander had. She'd been explained to before than when she was older she'd be able to change her form to look like the strange two legged frame that the adults sometimes used.. for now though she kept the peashooter snug in the little pouch that her new friend in Phoenix Valley had given her.

Little Zana hadn't realized though that she'd turned herself all around in trying to find her way back to Inferni and had somehow ended up on the edge of Crimson Dreams, the scent of the pack was odd to her, she knew it because it reminded her of Geneva, the lady who'd helped her to Inferni, but she'd never been to the lands themselves and now that she'd found herself sitting on the edge of a lake she wanted to know more!

Her small curious eyes peered around a downed tree on the edge of the lake as she looked for any signs of life. She didn't see anyone but she'd learned that paws could be silent and figures could be like ghosts, even able to sneak up on you when you thought you were paying attention! Life was full of learning and boy did she still have a lot to learn.

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