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Zana was tired from her explorations of the lands outside of Inferni. She knew that she hadn't visited all the packs or even seen a half of the lands but she didn't want to get into too much trouble for being gone so long. She felt bad for not visiting DaVi when she'd met Lysander and realized that she'd found herself back to the packlands she'd been born in but she was afraid that the monster would be there glowering over his shoulder like she use to. She wasn't exactly afraid of the beast anymore but she didn't like to be reminded of the fire and pain that the creature had branished at her. She felt a shiver slice through her soul as she approached the border of Inferni.

The little girl walked slowly, almost creeping under the skulls on the pickets. She had never stopped to ask Gabriel what they were for, she almost felt she didn't want to know, but the tiny child was starting to grow a little naive about the world around her, and with her meltingpot of mixed blood it probably wasn't the wisest trait to hold. Her tiny paws had almost brought her past the skulls when the loud horrible sound of the gulls came into play.

Zana's eyes flitted up to the skies where the old gull with one foot was flying in circles, coming closer and closer to her. She whined because she knew what was going to happen next. He always could find the small figure near the beach and after he had his fun picking and pecking at her he would bring in the rest of the flock and she'd have to make her dive for cover. She knew deep down that she'd started it all by chasing the gulls across the beaches when they woke her so early but she never caught them!

Suddenly the bird dove down and she was met with the beating of wings against her face and chest. She snapped out at the gull but it didn't seem the bird was after her this time. She felt the weight of the small pouch that Lys had given her to hold the crafted peashooter being lifted from her chest as she screamed in frustration and anger. She was not going to give up the gift to the bullying pestersome bird. She was finally putting her paw down.

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