Surrender what you are,

Alexey closed her hand around his, using his help to lift herself off the ground and onto her clumsy feet. She’d never felt this drawn to a complete stranger, which is why she held onto him for a good moment before finally loosening her grip and letting go. From a standing point of view, he didn’t seem so intimidating anymore. The tawny girl nodded curtly as to confirm his assumption but she provided no specific answer. Telling him about her relationship with Aiden and how it had caused her to turn into a luperci wasn’t a subject she wanted to discuss with someone she barely knew, especially not him.

Men seemed to have this infallible talent when it came to ruining the moment. Lexey felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment when her white knight described her as “gangly”. What bothered her the most was that she had absolutely no idea what to answer him. Not being able to retort with a witty comment of her own annoyed the hell out of her. “I guess you could say that,” she admitted, suddenly feeling quite awkward.

The Dahlian female tentatively applied pressure on her injured leg, checking to see if she could walk normally. It seemed okay. She then turned away from the green-eyed male and started walking toward a nearby stream. Washing her face seemed like the way to go so she did just that, taking the time to clean her precious necklace also. “I’m Alexey by the way,” she said, suddenly turning her attention back to the chestnut-colored luperci.


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