Surrender what you are,
OOC: *loves on to death*

Drey felt a twinge of jealousy as the woman's eyes suddenly filled with worry at his mention of the attack on his cousin. It was his opinion that the louse was undeserving of such care at this point, but the heart could be a strange and constant devotee. "He's fine now. Aiden's one of our best fighters, and he managed to take one of them out before they roughed him up and left him unconscious. Took him a few weeks but he's back on his feet and being annoying as ever, no permanent damage. Hopefully he learned to be a bit more cautious when he's alone. I doubt anyone will ever get the jump on him again." The corner of the male's lip pulled back in a slight hint of a smile. He was trying to assuage the girl's worry, as he thought she was far prettier when she was smiling as she'd done before their misunderstanding.

Sighing deeply, the male stretched out his large form as Alexey repeated his name, her attempt not terribly far off the mark but not exactly right either. It always amused the Stormbringer to hear others try their hand at the language of his ancestors, and the honey-eyed female was probably one of the closest mimics he'd come across. He chuckled as he said as much. "Not bad little fugl, far better than the majority I've come across. You can just call me Drey if it's easier." He winked softly at the female, always having preferred his simpler nickname over the full pronunciation.

Alexey was definitely a woman of contradictions. She'd gone from shy and demure to confident and forceful in a moment's time, then back to seemingly full of self-doubt all over again. Drey raised a brow as she repeated the words he'd spoken about her, crossing his arms across his chest. "Yes, a woman like you. I've known you only a few minutes, but I can already tell that you're committed, loyal to a foolish fault, bold, unafraid to speak your mind, and both confident and humble at the same time. Yet you fill yourself with self-doubt at the drop of a hat despite what you've proven yourself to be. Aiden's an idiot." He knew she'd probably get defensive at the last comment, but right now he could care less. He spoke bluntly and pulled few punches, and this girl seemed like she needed some sense knocked into her thick skull about just who she was and who she could possibly be.

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