erasing a memory
Firefly had decided that tomorrow would be the day that she would bring her little heathens home. She'd find some poor pathetic bastard and in the dark of night she'd quickly end his misery stage another disturbance and be well on her way to saving the day. She hadn't expected the raw emotions of the rest of the pack over what she'd done to show her mate just what could happen when you fucked around but there was a cause and effect to everything. She just shrugged it off and went on. Soon enough the pack would have their future back and she could go back to fighting with the bastard who she thought once fed the fires of her soul.

Tonight though, she was going to forget the tail chaser even existed with her own form of therapy. She hasn't really had a chance to turn her attentions to the stores of sweet liquors in the packlands for a long season and now she was taking her sweet time to rediscover every simple pleasure the alcohol had to afford. Right down to the risque ones that she might just pay for later if fate allowed her.

She knew the sweet taste of wine was always available in the vineyard but not today, not for the bitch. Instead she had stationed herself on the dock overlooking the bay, a blanket cradled the riches of exploring the town, bottles filled with all sorts of tones and colors of the alcoholic's distorted rainbow. She smiled to herself as she let the bottles scatter on the dock as she leaned back against one of the posts and took a fierce swig, the stars above exploding into a brilliance far brighter than they'd ever been or ever would. For tonight the she-devil was in heaven.

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