baby you can drive my car.

In general, Maserati had a tendency to simply radiate positive energy. The girl didn't have a malicious bone in her body and she took pride in showing it--she did a damn good job, too, as evinced by the fact even naturally distrustful folks like Giggle or Talitha would tolerate her presence. At the same time, she kept herself in check from becoming too bubbly or obnoxious; she could usually tell when enough was enough and back off. It wasn't as though she couldn't take life seriously, it was just that she couldn't really see the fun in that. The reasons why anybody would choose to wallow around in their own sorrow or be a perpetual grump eluded her... and she tended to avoid those people. She could be down to earth and still have a bloody good time.
Regardless, it was her natural inclination to assume the best in people. He hadn't snapped or grown defensive at her sudden appearance; as such, he was labelled as an alright guy. (Not that she would have suspected such a thing to begin with, what playing wolf grew upset at the introduction of a playmate?) That was a good thing, too, for up close he was even bigger than he'd seemed before! He easily had half a foot on her and at least fifty pounds. Maserati was pretty used to everyone being bigger than her (especially males), but this guy deserved a trophy or something. Not shifted at all, he weighed more than any of her forms!
Her smile broadened at his title for the game: it was simple, yet straightforward, much like any other game wolves played... keep-away, tag, etc. Sounds logical! she remarked. Of all the things that'll roll, Oi'd say yeh found the best and noisiest, she laughed through lightly accented tones. Balls would roll, but they didn't make noise. Tires didn't really make noise either, plus they fell down too easily. He really had found something here, or so she thought. Besides, the cumbersome size of the trash cans made it more interesting setting them up. So how 'bout yehself? Oi'm Maserati.. or Maz for short.

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