baby you can drive my car.

For some time, the two partners were silent. Communication was through quick glances and nods, posturing, and other signals. There was a slightly different air about him now that the petite girl couldn't quite place... not that there was anything negative about it. If anything, the large male seemed handsome and capable, as any good provider should be. Only now did she reflect on his lack of a pack scent; what kind of company did he normally keep? Although they were getting along just fine, it weren't as if they knew much about one another either way. For what they were about to do next, though, it may have been fitting. After all, the best 'smoking buddies' usually suffered from some kind of disconnect... there was no drama, then, or anything complicated to muck things up. Simplicity at its best, eh?
As the deer stopped kicking, she backed off a bit, licking her chops. Awkwardly she bowed down to the ground, placing one paw on her bag and wriggling her way out of it. Ah; snack first, she told him. 're yeh ready for the best tasting food in your life? Everythin' will taste so much better after yeh eat this, too. Using her nose to riffle through, she pulled out a large piece of cooked meat. It had been lightly dusted with kief before as it cooked; the scent was pure and minty, though soothing in its own right. Using a dainty fore paw to hold it down, she yanked off a chunk of it, approximately dividing it in half. She took the smaller piece for herself and nosed the bigger one in his direction--while she was certain there was plenty here to get them high for hours, his additional weight merited a larger dose. Besides, sharing was caring, was it not?
The girl licked her lips and began to nibble on the drug-laden meat, savouring the unique taste and anticipating its effects. Once her piece was gone, she looked up to Brennt and winked. 'n now, we wait. It takes some time to kick in, but Oi promise if yeh hold out on it this will be the most amazin' meal you've ever had in your life. For now, she lay down neatly a short distance away from the deer, mentally reminding herself not to forget her bag once she left. Getting it back on would be a pain and she might need to shift to do it, but she could worry about that later.

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