little far from ordinary

He blessed her to finish the rest and the morsels were gone in moments. The raw bones, fragile and delicate, went next and soon nothing was left of what was once a living, breathing creature. Licking her lips, she once again remember Ril’o watching her above and she smiled up at him, grateful for the meal but a little embarrassed at how quickly she had consumed such a gift. It had scarcely been a few moments before the meal was devoured. And now he offered to find her another one. Though her stomach rumbled with it’s newly acquired persistent growling, she shook her head. "No, that’s okay." He had done enough, he was always doing too much.

The male seemed so happy to please her and Adelaida smiled sadly at him. She was preparing to leave, but she wouldn’t tell him so. Alexey didn’t want her here and Sankor hadn’t done much of a job of convincing her to stay either. Losing Ril’o would be a sad thing, but he was after all a shifter. She knew better than to get too involved in with him. “Why are you so nice to me?” Why indeed? Maybe it was just the way he was. Maybe he was indeed just nice to everyone, and she hoped it was that way. It would be easier letting him go then.


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