My puddle of shit

The broken girl had not been expecting anyone, least of all him, yet some how the voice did not startle her. Instead it only penetrated the hazy state her mind was in and groggily and slowly she turned to face him, barely lifting her head from the ground. Her eyes no doubt retained their brightness, but they were sad, and the rest of her seemed dimmer, faded and washed out. Confirming that it was only Sankor Adelaida merely sighed and lowered her head to her paws again, it was too much of a chore to hold it up.

One ear flicked in irritation at his words, what did he care what she did in her or what she had? He hadn’t been around to prevent this, he didn’t have the right to judge now. Dully she stared up at him, still not acknowledging his presence except for a doleful stare. Adelaida was fine letting the silence hang between them, she barely noticed it. Lids slid shut over her eyes and she stayed that way for many long moments, waiting to hear the padding away of paws. The sound did not come.

Opening her eyes once more, she regarded her brother, still standing above her. If he was anyone else, a Luperci or coyote or both, he could so easily take her life from this position. The thought was no longer terrifying, as it had been weeks before. Now her enemies were Alexey and Sankor, second only to herself. Realize he was not leaving, she spoke, her voice almost too soft to hear. “What do you want Sankor?”


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