rolling stones

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As he sat before her Svara was glad he didn't offer pity. She didn't want it from him or anyone else. What she wanted was for them to listen to her stop ignoring what she was trying to tell them all. Maybe only she could see what she was trying to tell them. Maybe they didn't see it. It was the words of the stranger that showed her wrong. Maybe they all didn't see it or want to understand it, but this complete stranger did he just summed up all her life and problems in one statement. A chuckle came from her.

"I meant my face, but I have to give you credit not most want to actually look that deep." In her wolf form she sat with her fluffy tail around her paws now not as close to him as she was before. To know what his face looked like she would have to touch it with her hands and that would require changing something she didn't like to do that often. His first words had stung, because didn't the truth hurt?

His second words didn't sting they surprised her. "I don't think anyone really cares about that stuff." She said with a whistful tone. "To bad ehh?" She questioned him with a smile that didn't have an evil linger.


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