I am slowly going crazy 123456 switch...
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... banner.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
WC: 300+

Jazper paced impatiently, mumbling and complaining like a small child that had just been scolded for hurting its sibling. With the loss of Garnet and Lily his hear had become heavier, making it harder to do anything normal. His brain was confused and his thoughts seemed to scream from two different directions. From one side he was his logical fun-loving self who just wanted to move on and pretend like nothing happened. However, the other side yelled louder, the boy he was after his parents were killed and he had half starved to death finding Jaded Shadows. Of course this boy was now older and more complex allowing him to exert a high amount of violence instead of a temper tantrum.

Finally the white four legged figure of his mother arrived quickly followed by an embrace and questioning. Home sweet home. Every time the male saw Deuce she would start questioning him before he could get a word in. Maybe she was the reason he asked so many questions as a child. His mother once more echoed the thoughts he had around Naniko, this white figure before him could have been an exsact copy of what Lily would have looked like. The questions haunted his mind about his dead daughter. What colour would her eyes have been? Would they have been amber like his and Taka's or green like Ares or purhaps red like Garnet's? Raising his dead eyes to his mother's mixed another thought accured to him. She had one eye like Lucifer and the other like his own. She was the conection that kept him and his adopted father linked. “Garnet was pregnant mom but something went wrong during the birthing and our daughter died. She left me a letter telling me that she named her Lily Rhiannon, she had a white coat like you and my birth mother.” He muttered out the facts with a dry tone, tears forming in his red, sleep deprived, eyes. “Garnet left me without saying goodbye. Just a letter...”


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