Can't unlove you
ind//for i bakvendt-land
indentind//der kan alt gå an

//Emwe Soul

tar det siste verset av en sang han ikke kan

Soon he was rewarded for all his efforts, and the door opened to reveal the glorious form of his mother. Squealing, Emwe jumped once, twice, and darted into the building. He'd never really been here before, he thought. Or perhaps he had, but when he had been staying with uncle Ly he could have forgotten. It smelled nice in here! It was nice because mommy was here, and mommy was nice. As he spun in circles (with his energy level it was a wonder he was still that chubby, really!), he tried to give his mother a good and proper answer to her question. I's tracked you! I walked and then you was in my nose! His paws had by now fully investigated the floor of this place, and carried him back to his mother to squeeze his face into her furs, not caring exactly where, as long as it was on her. Oh! She smelt so nice. She always did. Mommy was best at everything that was nice. And daddy was best at everything that was strong, or something. His face stayed in the furs for ages until he couldn't squeeze it in there anymore, because he was a little bit tired in his legs. Instead he sat down next to his mother, his tail sweeping the floor he sat on in a nice half circle behind him, eyes looking up to the most beautiful woman in the world. Why hadn't he gotten any praise yet? He deserved it! He'd found her, all by himself! He was smart and good, and she should tell him so. Because he was. Waiting, she didn't say that, but instead asked him a funny question. Daddy didn't know, because Emwe had been on an adventure. But why did that matter, when Emwe was a smart boy? Sometimes mommy was strange, but the boy replied to her question anyways, because he was smart, and he knew that smart boys should do that. I's not seen daddy today, I was on an adventure, and then I found you instead! Looking around himself, he could smell mommy on everything here. Did she live here? Why did she live here, when she could live with daddy and Emwe? Why are you here?

//der er de like tøysete og rare alle mann //

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