Can't unlove you

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Word count: 268


The child snuggled up against her and listened to her voice with a face of sheer happiness, as she said Conor would become larger in time. Emwe hoped so, because his brother had said he didn't like to be small. And Emwe wanted Conor not to be so sad - it was bad to be sad. And he seemed to be sad all the time, almost. Maybe they should go on an adventure, then it would be all right! And then maybe they could find magic and Conor would be just as big as Emwe was. Yes, maybe that was the solution.

........His legs danced in the air as Firefly lifted him and went to the couch to lie down, and then he was placed on her chest, faces every so close. He loved lying next to her chest and tummy, because it was warm and she smelled so many nice things - it was the best place to lie. He made a face as he tried to understand what she was saying. So it was everyone else that didn't like mommy? Or maybe they didn't like uncle Ly! That would be weird, because both of them were very nice. But uncle is nice! And mommy is too... not understanding and sad at the same time, he first looked at her face and then rested his head on his paws, looking into the distance of his thoughts. Everyone should like everyone, because then everyone would be happy. His heart was filled with this idea, but not with happiness - sadness. Somehow he didn't think that could ever happen.

Table by Sace/Hemming. Thanks! Big Grin

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